True transformation

by | Jul 29, 2021 | Quotes | 4 comments

True transformation occurs when we can look at ourselves squarely and face our attachments and inner demons, free from the buzz of commercial distraction and false social realities. We have to retreat into our own cocoons and come face-to-face with WHO we are. For only by abandoning its attachments and facing darkness does the caterpillar’s body begin to open out and its light beautiful wings begin to form.

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  1. Nick Checker

    Beautifully spoken, Julia, and it’s what most people need to do, given the courage to follow through on it. Keep these thoughts coming, please …

    Nick Checker

    • Julia Butterfly Hill

      Thank you Nick. ๐Ÿ™‚




    Took me over sixty years to get to this great truth, which opens a path to positivity and calmness, wish I had taken the time to buy into this when I was your age, but I guess better late than never. Saw your name somewhere, and decided to check the web to see what you are up to lately. I see you are still on a path to enlighten for yourself and anyone who will take the time and make the effort to listen. Good for you, young lady, keep it up. Onward!

    • Julia Butterfly Hill

      Thank You Steve.

      As we continue the journey of the inner landscape, we are better able to bring our best selves to the work and world of the outer landscape.



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